Ferdy Ant | Makes Different with Your Own: 4/1/09 - 5/1/09

File Extension CWK

File Extension CWK

File Extension CWK are the most common files associated with the file extension the program ClarisWorks documents. ClarisWorks, from Apple is also known as the AppleWorks productivity suite. Apple acquired Claris Corporation in 1998 and renamed the software. The ClarisWorks .cwk file can be any type of document created by the suite, including a word processing document, spreadsheet, presentation, or drawing project. These documents can be opened and edited with either the AppleWorks or ClarisWorks suites. Both packages are available for Windows and Mac, although they have not been actively supported or updated for several years.

Some reports of .cwk word processor files being succesfully opened as standard text with another word processor programs, but in this case only the text can be retrieved. Any formatting or embedded graphics that were in the document will be lost when using this method. Other errors may occur when converting, requiring the user to manually edit the new file. Generally these errors are with page formatting, particularly when dealing with older
File Extension CWK files.

The .cwk extension is also a specialized format related to a software package called CattleMax. This software package from Cattlesoft Inc. is a management tool for large and small scale cattle operations. The .cwk is a data file containing the information from the records created within the software. Because it is a specialized format, these files cannot be opened with any other software. Errors with these .cwk files are confined to corrupted data. They should never cause conflicts withe the general operation of the computer.

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File Extension XPI

File Extension XPI

File Extension XPI format is a browser extension file used by Mozilla’s Firefox web-browser. The format is compressed and is very similar to the popular .ZIP format. File Extension XPI is one of those formats that not many people familiar with but it’s one that truly helps you to make the workflow of others much easier to deal with.

In this modern age, computer plays an import role in our lives. Many business and professionals require computer for their daily operational activities. The computer has given us a lot of advantages that supports our works and businesses. However the computer requires the system to run its functions. This system is able to run the operation since they have been programmed.

Since not many of people outside the programming community recognize what XPI is therefore when a problem comes to it they mostly don’t know what to do it. Using OpenSource programs, however, can sometimes be frustrating because when some programs are updated, others are not. Usually, you will have to either wait for updates of your non-workable programs or delay the updating of other programs to retain functionality. With FireFox extensions, however, you can usually update yourself.

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Install Windows XP di Compaq Presario CQ40-108TU

Install Windows XP di Compaq Presario CQ40-108TU

Notebook Presario CQ40-108TU adalah salah satu seri yang laris terjual. Notebook ini dibandrol dengan harga yang murah karena dijual tanpa Operating System. Sehingga dari pabrikan tidak didukung dengan OS dan Driver bawaan. Adapun driver yang didukung dalam situs resmi juga hanya tersedia untuk sistem operasi Windows Vista, padahal masih banyak orang yang lebih suka menggunakan Windows XP dibandingkan Windows Vista yang cenderung lebih berat.

Akan tetapi apabila di-install menggunakan Windows XP, saat masuk di lembar deteksi Harddisk.. terjadi bluescreen.. Sebenarnya masalahnya adalah Windows XP SP1/SP2 tidak mengenal AHCI, berarti kita harus membuat CD Instalasi Windows XP ini mengenal IDE/SATA agar bisa diistall Windows XP SP2. Berikut ini cara yang aku coba dan telah berhasil.

Beberapa program yang dibutuhkan :
a. Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
b. nLite
c. ICH9 sata driver

Setelah semua ada, terlebih dulu install Net framework. Setelah selesai install nLite.

Langkah selanjutnya :

1. Masukkan CD Instalasi Windows XP
2. Jalankan nLite

3. Tekan Next..

4. Browse letak CD Instalasi Windows XP (yang terdapat folder i386 didalamnya). OK

Buat folder untuk menyimpan hasil konfigurasi contoh "c:\temp"

5. Browse folder yang telah dibuat. OK.. tunggu proses Copy sampai selesai

Proses Copy..

6. Copy selesai.. Next..

7. Presets. Next...

8. Task Selection. Pilih Drivers dan Bootable ISO. Next...

9. Insert. Single driver... Browse cari file "iaAHCI.inf" dari folder hasil ekstrak file "f6flpy32_85.zip" yang telah di download sebelumnya.

10. Hati-hati saat option ini muncul, pilih "ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller"... OK.. Next..

11. Yes...

12. Next..

13. Pilih Make ISO.. Browse Folder dan Save.... untuk membuat file ISO yang nantinya di Burn ke CD menggunakan Nero Burning dan program sejenis lainnya.

Next untuk Selesai..

Selesai proses ini, baru anda bisa mengistal Windows XP di Notebook Presario CQ40-108TU, masalah muncul lagi saat menginstal driver untuk soundcarnya. Driver yang anda butuhkan klik di sini , download agar soundcardnya berfungsi baik.

Selamat mencoba..

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